Last Day to Vote! January 16th @ Ridgedale


Thank you to everyone who has voted online or in person for our contract. If you have not voted its not too late!

As a reminder the bargaining team recommends you VOTE YES on the contract to approve it.

We will have voting on the second floor of the Ridgedale Center on Thursday January 16th 10-2pm (12601 Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka) . See details below.

Online voting remains open until 4pm Thursday, January 16th.



Click here for a summary of the contract and here for the TA. You must be a dues paying member to vote on the contract. To become a member click here, or see below later for details. If the contract is approved pay increases will be retroactive back to December 29th 2024. Weren’t able to attend our townhall? Access our presentation here.

Click here to vote online or see below for details to vote in person. If you have trouble voting online please call AFSCME Council 5, 651-450-4990.

Voting on the Contract:


  • LAST DAY: Thursday, Jan 16th – Ridgedale 2nd floor main lobby– 12601 Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka, 2nd floor: 10am-2pm;


Sign into or sign up for an account through the union portal MemberLink. Call AFSCME Council 5’s member action center if you have trouble logging on and making an account.


You can vote from 8am Friday Jan 10th – Thursday Jan 16th at 4pm.



  • Click the link under VOTE NOW! at the top of the home page in MemberLink look for the Vote Event.
    • If it is under Available Events – On the right side of the Vote Event:
      • Choose Register. Click NEXT until you get to the “Sessions”.
        • While voting if you need to change your vote, “uncheck” the current vote and select the new vote and hit NEXT.
      • You must hit the Submit button to confirm your vote before the 4pm deadline.
    • If it is under Registered Events – then you have already registered:
      • Verify your vote by clicking on the Event Name.
        • If you voted – you will see Accept or Reject in the Session section.
        • If you haven’t you will see “You did not select any sessions…..”
      • If you haven’t voted:
        • Go back to the Registered Events screen, on the right side of the Vote Event click on Update My Registration.
        • Click NEXT until you get to the “Sessions” to Vote.
        • Choose Accept or Reject and click NEXT.
        • Then you must hit the Submit button to confirm your vote before the 4pm deadline.
      • If you have voted and you wish to change your vote:
        • Go back to the Registered Events screen, on the right side of the Vote Event click on Update My Registration.
        • Click NEXT until you get to the “Sessions” to Vote.
        • You will need to “uncheck” the current vote and select the new vote then click NEXT.
        • Then you must hit the Submit button to confirm your vote before the 4pm deadline

2. Become a Member

It’s never too late to become a member of our local. Signing a Union Card and paying your dues is the first step to having a voice in the workplace. Members are the only ones who will be able to help steer the direction of our local and vote on a final contract with Hennepin County. You can sign up directly online here: