2023 Local 2822 Executive Board
Alessandra (Ali) Fuhrman, President: ali.fuhrman@local2822.org
I’m an OSII at Central Library. I’ve worked for Hennepin County since 2011 and have been involved in the union just as long. I got involved because I didn’t like how my coworkers were treated by my first supervisor. In my free time I like birding, exploring state parks, and pickleball.
Anders Thorstenson, Vice President: anders.thorstenson@local2822.org
Anders has worked at Hennepin County since 2018 and is currently a senior service representative at the Midtown Service Center. In addition to his role as VP, he is a steward and meet-and-confer lead.
The first and only time the Minnesota Timberwolves advanced in the playoffs occurred when he left the country for a semester abroad.
Sharaunta Beach, Co-Chief Steward: sharaunta.beach@local2822.org
I’m a Member Services Representative at Hennepin Health. I’m the co-chief steward with AFSCME Local 2822. I have served as a recording secretary for the policy committee for the past two years. I’ve also been involved with the union negotiations bargaining team for the past two years.
Family time means a lot to me. I am a wife and mother of two girls. I enjoy cooking and hosting events in my home. I make vacations a priority. We travel and see the world in our spare time. I enjoy serving in my church, assisting the hospitality board, and singing in the choir.
Vacant, Co-Chief Steward
Chris Krowez, Treasurer: treasurer@local2822.org
I am an OSII at Hosmer Library, an active member of the Pride Workgroup, and a proud member of Local 2822 since 2017. In the office of union treasurer I am to be a fair and diligent steward of our union’s funds; to implement the dues entrusted to us toward the advancement and betterment of our members and the conditions we all work under.
Callista DePauw, Membership Secretary: callista.depauw@local2822.org
Callista DePauw is an Office Specialist II at Plymouth Library and Membership Secretary for the union.
At 16, they started as a Teen PSA at Brookdale Library. Both of their parents worked for Hennepin County for over 20 years and they were excited to follow in their footsteps. Almost 10 years later, Callista is thrilled to be a permanent employee and proud member of the union. They are working for respect and solidarity in our workplaces so that we can serve residents to the best of our ability and have great benefits, time off, and fair pay.
Colleen Brown, Recording Secretary: colleen.brown@local2822.org
I work at the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office as a warrant clerk. I got involved with the union near the end of our last contract negotiations. I became a union steward after our last steward left to become a supervisor. Ali Fuhrman welcomed me with open arms. Ali then encouraged me to become recording secretary. I enjoy it because it motivates me to go to meetings.
I volunteer to stuff envelopes for the newsletter. I am also part of the e-board. I am learning a lot of great things about how the union works and how we’re working on our goal to get a great next contract.
Laquilla Burdunice, Member at large: laquilla.burdunice@local2822.org
Laquilla, an Office Specialist III in the Human Services and Public Health (HSPH) Department, has been serving residents of Hennepin County for 5 years. Coming from a lengthy milieu of clerical work and customer care, Laquilla enjoys providing economic assistance resources.
She recently joined AFSCME Local 2822 as an e-board member with the hope of assisting the community and her peers. When Laquilla isn’t busy glamming up the princesses who visit the Princess and Diva Spa Fun Shop at the Mall of America, she is booked with her son’s sporting events.
Vacant, Member at large
Kymberly Hafner, Member at large: kymberly.hafner@local2822.org
Kymberly has worked for Hennepin County since 2015. Previously an associate librarian at the East Lake Library and co-chair of the pride workgroup, she created and lead system wide LGBT programming and outreach. Kymberly has maintained various leadership positions in our union since becoming active, and she continues to serve on the executive board as a member at large and now full-time organizer.
Any free time is spent fighting for women’s rights, writing poetry or hiking.
Josh Howe, Member at large: josh.howe@local2822.org
I’m a principal office specialist at the Juvenile Detention Center. At work I specialize in finance and payroll. In the union I’m the newsletter editor and now an e-board member at large. My goal is to make communications clear and accessible.
I enjoy biking, especially in the snow or rain. Every day I like to cook, read, and write.